Tuesday, October 10, 2017

There's Always Something Changing!

It is interesting how paradigm shifts happen in our society. All of a sudden one fad turns to another. One example of a paradigm shift is the marriage rate significantly decreasing for young people. Marriage was an essential part of life for women in the 20th century. For men, it was more of a "I'm completing life tasks" type of thing. Many couples would meet and soon after be married before they even turned 21. But in our current society it would almost be unusual if a couple were to meet then quickly marry before they even graduated college yet. Settling down, marriage, and having kids are all being pushed until after adults have their life in a solid place with a good job. This most likely has to do with the fact that women have a more respect and more privileges. They are expected to attend college and get a well paying job which allows them to support themselves instead of relying on a man. In my opinion, it is for the better. Allowing people to focus on themselves before they have to rely or take care of another in the midst of their busy lives.

Another example of paradigm shift is the evolution of music from the 20th century into the 21st century. Our parent's generation (20th century) loved their rock and roll, the bands and all the fashion that came with it. Our generation in the 21st century tends to love their R&B and hip-hop. There has been an explosion of the rap and hip-hop genre. So as an example, our parent's Grateful Dead is our Kanye West. With the help of all the new technology, electronic beats and dance music is incorporated in a lot of rap/hip-hiop songs which widens the interest of more listeners. Even though there are still plenty of bands still popular (mostly from the 90's), rappers have taken over the industry. It still makes me laugh that our parents are constantly surprised by the vulgarity of this new profound style of music we all tend to be playing in our homes and cars.


  1. Both topics present great opportunities to examine farther! I like the marriage paradigm shift best because it is something I have noticed along with an increasing divorce rate. I think you present better ideas about why this shift happened. I think it is harder to explain why society has shifted from hard rock to vulgar rap. I look forward to hearing what you pick!

  2. McKenzie, I find both of your topics to be relatively fresh and interesting. It is easy to see the generational change in relationships from our parents generation to ours. My parents were high school sweethearts, but it seems that relationships like theirs just don't exist anymore. I think this topic could be original and relative depending on the direction you take it. However, I also think you have a relative topic, especially for college kids, talking about the changes in music. My parents hate what I listen to, but I also hate what they listen to, so it's a lose-lose situation. I guess that's why headphones have become so popular. I think both of your topics would bring about some interesting research. Good luck!

  3. I think both of these topics are good examples of paradigm shifts and either one could give you enough information. Personally, I like the idea of the first one. Society's idea of marriage is so different than it used to be. My grandparents were actually married at 18 right after high school, and I seriously can't imagine doing the same now at this point in my life. With that topic, you could talk about so many things (like the increase in divorce, the increase in the typical age of marriage, or even how marriage now has grown to include same-sex couples)

  4. Your second topic might be improved/easier if you focused on one specific aspect/genre of music and tightened the timeline. I sense that covering a century's worth of music might leave you with much too broad of a scope. Thanks!

  5. The marriage topic is definitely an interesting one to research, especially since the stigma of marrying early is slowly starting to disappear, but is still met with conflict when one decides to divorce. Marriage is very different across cultures as well, so researching shifts in marriage might take you many places!

  6. I like that you brought up the marriage rate paradigm shift. I did not even think about the age shifts with marriage in our generation when pondering this assignment, but you are so true. My one concern for this particular topic would be finding research for your marriage topic. I am sure there are probably statistics on the general age ranges in the two time periods; however, I worry there might not be enough information to support the one topic. Maybe if you incorporated divorce as well, but then you would have two topics to deal with, taking away from one main focus. Your music topic would be very interesting, and you would, without a doubt, have plenty of examples to incorporate in your analysis. I especially like your emphasis on the technology side of modern music as technology changes the world of music drastically.


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