Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Passions in a Blog

The places people will go for Music

One demanding passion of mine is music, in particular, music festivals whether it be following the festivals through social media or attending them myself. Being from Chicago, Lollapalooza is a give. I have attended Lollapalooza for the past three summers. Then in the beginning of this past May, I thankfully had the opportunity to fly to Miami, Florida to attend Rolling Loud. I have a very long list just waiting to be fulfilled but not everything can happen with a snap of my fingers.

Throughout this blog, I would like to discuss and review the many different festivals happening around the United States. The biggest festivals mostly happened around summer time due to the good weather but there are plenty dispersed throughout the year. Within these reviews I would include things like: the headliners, the 'underground' artists, the people in attendance, the fashion, the environment including the city it takes pale in, and the afterparties offered. There is a plethora of things that play into musics festivals in order to make them the magical places people say they are. 

A big thing that plays into music festivals are the groups of people that are known to attend. Festivals have reputations just like restaurants or cities. The stereotypes for each festival is one of the most interesting aspects because the people go for the music so the music carries a reputation as well. Some cities that host these festivals don't have the most optimistic responses to them. It's interesting to read in on the political side of things as well as everything else. The people in charge are, most of ht time, the people who run the city which is sometimes forgotten.

I will try to coordinate each blog with the most recent festival. As of right now that won't be hard because of festival season recently happening. But for the rest of the blogs it won't be hard to review ones that have already past. 

Veld Music Festival
By Veld Music Festival


  1. I love your idea! I, personally have never been to a music festival, and have always wanted to. Your blog would be a great way for those who have never been to these festivals to see what they are like. The one critique I do have, however, is that this post was really hard to read. The font was quite small, and on your home page, the one post shows up as three different ones, or at least there is a preview of it, and then two links to it underneath, which tends to be very confusing. But overall, I love this idea!

  2. I like you idea about music! I do think you should view your blog after you publish a post. The font changes during the middle of your post. I think it was a mistake, but I think it's something to fix. Also when I originally opened your blog the text was really small. I had to zoom in to be able to read it. I do like your color scheme thought! And the picture was a nice eye catcher!

  3. The idea of reviewing music festivals is very interesting, but it also would require you to cover quite a bit of material in just five blog posts. Would you cover all of the most popular music festivals or limit yourself to a certain genre of music or location? As well, the text on your blog was very small and some of it was different sizes. The formatting was good otherwise.


  4. My Aunt works for Rolling Stone, and this year her printing company was heavily involved in Lollapalooza! She got to attend for free and the pictures she sent me were incredible. I love music and to me it's one of the most effective utilizations of rhetoric, because of the way it captures emotion, and speaks to people. I personally have only been to one concert (it was yesterday at The Weeknd concert), but I've always wanted to go to a music festival so I'd love to read this potential blog.

  5. I absolutely love your idea! I have never been to a music festival so this will be a great way to find out what it really is. I also really like the idea that you would cover the most recent ones with respect to the time of year because I think that will be a great way to really connect with the audience. I look forward to reading your future posts!


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