Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Holy Wow. I Did It.

Wow. This was quite the nerve wracking presentation but I was pleasantly surprised with myself. My preparation processes was average but sufficient for me. Before jumping to practicing the actual speech part, I made sure to solidify the writing portion and content.

I knew I predominantly wanted to talk about the causes and effects for the shift so I first organized the main points of my essay through a concept map in order to overview everything. I then went into more depth for each cause, hitting on the main points behind each. I did the same kind of preparation for the results as well. Then finally finished off with an engaging introduction and conclusion. I tried to incorporate clear cut information so the talk didn't go off on a tangent about random details and statistics. This all involved my preparation for the writing portion of the speech so I would be fully prepared to speak fluidly.

Once I was confident in my content, I put it all together with transitions so the speech would flow. I separated all my ideas onto notecards and started practicing the speech in a way that allowed me to memorize it. Once I was confident in my memory, I wrote just the causes and effects in order on one card as a crutch if needed. So after days of going through my speech and practicing to each of my roommates, I was confident. Listing the key points on a card helped me visualize my speech in my mind as I spoke because I knew specifically what was coming next and could transition to it smoothly. Overall, constant, everyday practice was definitely what worked best for me in order to deliver in a conversational way. But there are definitely places where I'd like to improve.

The first aspect I could use a lot of improvement on is enthusiasm. I think I did a fine job delivering my content but I could have entertained the audience more in order to keep them engaged. I was very focused on saying the right thing so with more practice maybe I'd be able to be more comfortable allowing me to differ my tones and make it more of a conversation rather then talking at people. I could also work on my eye contact being evenly dispersed throughout the room. I looked back and forth a few times but it could have been more relaxed and natural rather than jerky. And finally, my conclusion should have been stronger seeing as it is the last thing everyone heard me say. After listening, I realized I sort of left everyone hanging rather then rounding up all my ideas and being engaging in the end just as I was at the beginning. So for my next speech I know I need to focus a lot on my delivery being enthusiastic and smooth as well as finishing strong.

So without further ado, here it is. My Tedtalk.

Holy Wow. I Did It.

Wow. This was quite the nerve wracking presentation but I was pleasantly surprised with myself. My preparation processes was average but suf...